Door Hangers for Events: When to use

When you arrive home after a hard day at work, you take the mail out of your mail box and walk along your drive. While you walk you separate the important letters from the promotional material and put the junk mail (promos) in your recycling bin and open the front door, putting your feet up with a glass of wine. This explains why door hangers for events have an advantage over leaflets and flyers, which are commonly mistaken for junk mail. If the promotional material is on your door handle, it is more eye-catching and you will remove it and take it inside the house with you when you open the door. 

Door Hangers for Events for Students

Most students at college will live in frat or sorority houses or in dorm rooms on or near the campus. Therefore door hangers for events would be perfect to advertise student nights in local nightclubs and bars or shows being held at the college. Distributing the material would not take long as they are in such a small area and many students would be happy to distribute them for free in exchange for free entry to the night club. Free distribution is always an advantage. Most students don’t plan nights out far in advance, so coming home and seeing door hangers for events will shape their plans for the evening especially if there are free drink promotions. 

Students also love freebies, to use the front as advertising and then place “do not disrupt” on the back of the promotional material so it can be used again and again. 

Hotel Events

Many people visiting a different city for business or pleasure will stay in a hotel, many people will not book all their activities in advance, therefore door hangers for events in hotels would capture an audience that does not know what else is happening that night in the local area. Once again distributing costs would be low as the cleaners of most hotels will hook door hangers for events on the doors once they have finished cleaning the rooms. They will be eye-catching to occupiers of the room as they will not be able to miss it when they open the door. 

Remember a lot of people will not know their way around the local area, so door hangers for events that are distributed in hotels for events outside the hotel must include a map showing the route from the hotel to the event. 

Community Events

Door hangers for events can be used to advertise events at your local community centre, is there a children’s disco on? A local politician speaking? Or a new fitness class starting up? If you want to get the word out about these sort of events in your local area then door hangers for events would be ideal. 

If you want to let people know future events that you are hosting then you may consider putting together a stapled catalogue. Gain your knowledge about door hangers for events and other promotional materials, visit our online store.
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