Door Hangers for Dog Walkers: How to Use it As a Marketing Tool

Door hangers for dog walkers are usually cards that act as promotional materials. They have a hook or large hole that allows you to attach it to door handles to notify prospective clients of the services that you provide. However, these promotional items can be much more innovative than this as you will find out before as we explore the multiple uses for door hangers for dog walkers.

Where Are You?

Door hangers for dog walkers can be hung on their door when they go out to inform people that people stopping by that they have the right place and they can leave a message. You could simply write, "be back soon," "walking the puppy," with an image of a puppy on a lead.
However, beware of the dangers of putting door hangers for dog walkers on your front door, as it may alert burglars that there is no one at home.

What do you Offer?

Door hangers for dog walkers can be hung on other people's doors in a similar manner as leaflets are posted through the mail. When printing your advertising, include your name, your service and a contact number where people can get in touch with you. It may be worthwhile to offer some an extra if there is a lot of competition in your area. For example, offer to bathe the dog, as well as walk it. Door hangers for dog walkers are less likely to be thrown away as junk mail when compared to other printing material such as leaflets or a flyer, therefore you are more likely to receive a response.
Use your discretion when handing out door hangers for dog walkers. Are you going to target every house? That could be quite costly, but could give you the best return. Alternatively, are you going to only target households that appear to own a dog based on a "beware of the dog" sign? This is also likely to give you a high return ratio against the amount of door hangers for dog walkers you need to print and hand out, reducing costs and maximizing profits.  

Add Bark to Your Bite

If you have a lot of competition in your area then you might want to make your door hangers for dog walkers unique. A cheap way to do this would be to change the shape of the promotional material, which is commonly rectangular, to the shape of a bone or a puppy. A more expensive, but possibly more rewarding, way of doing this is attaching a doggy treat to every promotional material as everyone likes something free and it shows you will go the extra mile.
If you are a canine walker, either professionally or to earn extra money for college then visit our online store for printers to get your business moving, and get your door hangers for dog walkers quickly.  

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